Clint and Connie Cavett moved into their new Black Creek home built by NuHaven just over 4 years ago. Watch their testimonial video for a glimpse of the beautiful new home they’ve been enjoying or scroll down for pictures and a complete transcript of their experience.


Joe Heaton and his staff over at NuHaven did a fine job for us with selection of details, things to our choice, and satisfactory construction even though we lived in Indianapolis at the time. It only took a few trips for us to get things squared away.

Building a home with NuHaven was a distant prospect, not necessarily stress-free, but Joe and his colleagues made things fairly easy for us. We were able to make only a handful of trips down here to make selections. We were able to review the blueprints and had things to our satisfaction. As things moved along, we came periodically and checked.

One thing we thought was real important is that when it was time to choose position of electrical outlets they were able to meet us here and we marked all of that together so that there was no confusion and we had things positioned where we desired.

The end result is that we were happy with our home. We’ve been here just barely 4 years now and there were very few after-purchase issues with the home which were more related to expected changes. For instance, crown molding shrinks over time and there was a designated time when they came back to adjust that and fill that in. So, minor issues like that which were expected but nothing out of the ordinary.